Many people suffer from foot and ankle pain as we use our feet daily. They believe that their foot pain will go away on its own without seeing a foot specialist, also known as a podiatrist.
If you are experiencing any of the below problems it might be time to see a podiatrist:
Thick callouses or corns
Heel issues that aren’t going away
An ingrown toenail at any stage
A persistent fungal infection in the skin or nails
Thickened nails
‘Flat’ feet
Chronic pain in the foot
Bunions that are causing discomfort
Numbness and tingling
Podiatrists are also essential professionals in diabetes care, from prevention to management of diabetes foot-related problems. If you have diabetes you should visit a podiatrist at least annually for a risk assessment and education.
Frequent doctors’ referrals, positive online reviews and a longstanding local reputation.
It has served the area’s feet and health needs for over 50 years, yet has now been extensively renovated. On-street parking, nearby shops and literally, an attractive park view!
A warm welcome at reception, friendly yet professional therapists, and high standards of hygiene mean that we care for all aspects of our patients’ and clients’ wellbeing and safety.
Chiropody/Podiatry, Massage, Physiotherapy, CBT, and Beauty Therapies all under one roof, meaning easily accessible treatments, and shared professional expertise.
Our therapists are highly qualified with indemnity insurance, and members of their professional body, meaning up-to-date knowledge, with on-going continual professional development.