At Parkview Chiropody Centre, our aim is to provide every patient with the best possible service and treatment. To meet the needs of our clients and to exceed expectations we provide a wide variety of quality services including the following:
Fungal Nails
Fungal nail infection is the most common disease of the nails. Infections can range from mild to severe and can affect one or several nails on both feet and hands. Fungal nail infections are commonly found in people aged over 55, and regular users of communal showers, such as athletes or swimmers.
A 'bunion' or hallux valgus refers to the condition in which the big toe is angled excessively towards the second toe, rather than pointing forwards in a straight line. Over time, this excessive angle gives the appearance of a 'bump' on the inside of the big toe joint. This bump is called a bunion.
Thick Nails
Thick toenails are nails that have thickened. Thickened toenails can cause problems with footwear fitting correctly, are difficult to cut and are often viewed as unsightly. If a toenail is very thick and is left untreated, the pressure placed on the nail bed can lead to an ulcer forming under the nail plate.